Thursday, August 14, 2014
Dear SoupFriends,
Greetings from the SoupMan!
In 1968 the Beatles singing group wrote a song called “Birthday.”
The lyrics go like this:
You say it's your
Well it's my birthday too, yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you!!!
Well it's my birthday too, yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you!!!
On August 18th I will be celebrating my 39th
Birthday---again! Every year when my birthday rolls around people say to me,
“SoupMan, what do you want for your birthday this year?” My answer is always
the same. I tell them I am already
blessed way beyond what any man deserves in this life. Starting with my wife
Shana who is the most amazing, terrific, fabulous, dazzling, kind, loving and
groovy person on the PLANET.
Then the fact the God ‘lets me’ be the Executive Director of
the SoupMobile. As the SoupMan I have the absolute best job on the PLANET.
Every day I get up knowing I am coming to work and will be surrounded by a
staff that is absolutely passionate about serving the homeless. A staff that
doesn’t consider what they do as work but as being on a ‘Mission from God.’ A
staff that is the very best on the PLANET when it comes to serving the ones Jesus
calls the ‘least of these.’
Top that off by the fact that the SoupMobile has an army of
friends, supporters, donors, volunteers and prayer warriors that are absolutely
fanatical about supporting our mission of ‘Feeding & Sheltering’ the
But wait, it gets even better. Trumping all of these great
things is that there is this guy from 2,000 years ago that Loves me
unconditionally. Not just on my birthday but all the time. A guy who loved me
(and you) so much that he hung on the cross and gave his life for us. He came for you! He came for me! He came for
all mankind.
Yes, it’s that time of the year again. Time to celebrate my
39th birthday---again! What do I want for my birthday? Absolutely
nothing! I’ve already got it all and then some. A fantastic wife, a job that’s
unbelievably rewarding, a staff that is ‘off the chain’, an army of supporters
and a Savior who made it all possible.
I think the bigger question is not what the SoupMan wants
for his birthday but what does Christ want for HIS birthday coming up on
December 25th. The Bible
tells us exactly what he wants for HIS birthday. In the book of Matthew he
talks about how we treat the ‘least of these.’ Jesus wants us to reach out to
our fellowman in love, kindness, mercy and compassion.
Not sure how to do
that? Well here is an idea for you. This year the SoupMobile will be
celebrating its 10th Annual Celebrate Jesus Christmas Gala by which
we will take 500 homeless men, women & children to the downtown Dallas Omni
Hotel for Christmas. These precious homeless are the ones
Jesus calls the ‘least of these.’ We will need more than 2,500 volunteers to
come to the Omni at Christmas and help us minister to our homeless guests. You, your family, your company, your organization or your church could be part
of that group of like-minded volunteers.
Formal signups to volunteer with the SoupMobile this Christmas start on November
1st at our website:
Hmm, now that I think about it, there is something that I do
want for my birthday this year. I want ‘you’ to come and join the SoupMan and his
fabulous SoupTeam at the Omni this Christmas as ‘together’ we give Jesus his
birthday wish by giving 500 men, women and children the most magical Christmas
of their lives.
May the Lord Bless & Keep You & Yours.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. SoupMan
Thursday, June 12, 2014
How Lucky Can One Guy Get???
from the SoupMan!
Well, just
how lucky can one guy get? In my case, pretty lucky! And why do I say this you
might ask?
Am I lucky
because of my great wealth? Well, er, ah, you haven’t seen my checkbook balance
Am I lucky
because of my movie star looks? Well, er, ah, Hollywood hasn’t been calling me
Am I lucky
because of my enormous intellect? Well, er, ah, no one has compared me to
Einstein lately.
The real
reason I consider myself lucky is because of other people. Starting with my
wife Shana who is absolutely the most amazing woman on the planet; to my staff
at the SoupMobile who have a profound love, caring and compassion for the
homeless; to the thousands of SoupMobile friends, supporters, volunteers and
prayer warriors.
When I
started the SoupMobile in 2003 (actually Jesus started it and I assisted) I
did not know my wife Shana or any of my current staff or any of the thousands
of you out there that support the SoupMobile.
But now I do know you and all I
can say is “How lucky can one guy get.” While I may not be rich in financial
terms, my life (because of you all) is one of great richness with lots of
kindness, joy, peace, love, caring and compassion.
They say we
get out of life what we put into it. In my case I think I’ve gotten far more
back from you all than I’ve ever given. Yes, I am one lucky guy and I have all
of you to thank for it.
One last
thing about that lucky thing. How lucky/blessed we all are that Jesus came that
‘we might have life and have it more abundantly.’ So yes, I thank all of
you---my wife Shana, my staff, my friends, our SoupMobile supporters--- but
most of all I thank Jesus. Because of HIM, I am indeed one lucky guy!!!
May the Lord
Bless and Keep You and Yours!
David Timothy, a.k.a. SoupMan
Monday, April 7, 2014
A Church for the Homeless--- Really???
Dear SoupFriends,
Greeting from the SoupMan!
A Church for the Homeless! I can see you scratching your
head and saying ‘What’s that all about SoupMan?’ What crazy idea is the SoupMobile
chasing now? Well I’m glad you asked. In case you haven’t heard, the SoupMobile
is building a church for the homeless in South Dallas. Oh yeah, you heard
right! We are putting up a real live church building. It’s the real deal.

SoupMobile Church will be a one of a kind in the entire
nation. A church where the homeless will be the ‘Members’ and if we attend we
will be their ‘Guests’. A revolutionary concept to be sure but as one of our
supporters said, “Why hasn’t somebody thought of this before.”

Regarding that 'thinking we are crazy' idea? Yep, we are totally,
completely, absolutely, entirely, fully, unconditionally, thoroughly,
unmitigatedly and wholeheartedly ‘crazy’ about Christ!
May the Lord Bless & Keep You & Yours!
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The Most Unforgettable Character I Ever Met!
from the SoupMan!
At the
SoupMobile, we’ve lost one of our own. On February 11, 2014 Mackie Choice, at
the age of 57 passed away. He had been
recently diagnosed with lung cancer that had metastasized and spread throughout
his body. Unfortunately his condition was inoperable.
Mack had a
long history with the SoupMobile and he will be sorely missed. He touched many
lives in a positive way and his personal story has inspired many. Readers Digest Magazine used to have a long
running series called ‘The Most Unforgettable Character I Ever Met.’
In many ways
Mack was that ‘Unforgettable Character’ in my own life. I first met Mack back
in 2003 when I was just starting the SoupMobile. I was a rookie, green behind
the ears guy who just wanted to feed the homeless. Mack was a homeless guy who
had survived many years on the streets using just his wits and a lot of street
smarts. We were two guys from different worlds but over the years we bonded
together and formed a powerful friendship.
SoupMobile was able to give Mack a helping hand many times over the years. It
was always a ‘Hand Up’, not a ‘hand out.’ However it wasn’t just a one way
street. Many times over the years Mack blessed the SoupMobile with his own
special brand of kindness. He wasn’t a perfect man, but then none of us are.
There is only one perfect one and it’s Jesus. Mack had a gracious spirit, kind
heart and loving grace. I take great solace in knowing that Mack knew
Jesus. And while we will miss Mack here
on this earth, we know he is now in the loving arms of Jesus.
Yes, we’ve
lost one of our own. We mourn his loss but rejoice in the knowledge that Mack
has found his eternal home with Jesus.
isn’t promised to any of us but I know someday I will meet Mack again.
Meanwhile the most ‘Unforgettable Character’ I’ve ever met will be blessing
heaven with his own special brand of joyousness.
GodSpeed to
you Mackie Choice!
David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Hot Dogs for Christ???
from the SoupMan!
Did Hot Dogs
even exist when Christ walked the earth 2,000 years ago? The answer is probably
'not'! In fact while the sausage concept goes back at least 500 years, the
sausage in a bun (Hot Dog) concept was really an American invention by Charles
Feltman, who began selling them at his hot dog stand at Coney Island in 1871.
So if hot
dogs did NOT exist 2,000 years ago when Christ walked the earth, did HE
know that someday we would have them? Sure, after all HE knows everything.
Yeah, he knew one day we would have hot dogs! Did Jesus also know that hot dogs
would be used someday to spread the love of Christ?
What??? You
say you never heard of that concept! You never heard of hot dogs being used to
spread the Good News---the Gospel. No worries because I’d be glad to tell you
just how it’s done!
On Friday
October 18, 2013 the official Oscar Mayer WienerMobile
came to Dallas to partner with the SoupMobile in serving 800 Oscar Mayer Hot
Dogs to multitudes of homeless men, women AND children. Yes, you heard right! The Wienermobile was right here in Dallas. You say you don't believe it. Well just click here to see the photos:¬if_t=like.
Do you see
all the smiles on the faces of our volunteers that day AND the homeless we
served? Those smiles weren’t there just because we were serving hot dogs. The
smiles were there because we served Oscar Mayer hot dogs along with a heavy
dose of the Love of Jesus. At the SoupMobile we consider serving food to the
homeless as our secondary mission. Yes the food is souper important but serving
the Love of Christ to our homeless friends is our Number One Mission. The
SoupMobile simply used the WienerMobile as our venue to connect with our
homeless friends.
Christ did
the same thing 2,000 years ago. You did hear about that time where Jesus
preached the gospel and fed the 5,000 by multiplying five loaves and two
fishes! They weren’t hot dogs but it was food and he was preaching the Good
News—the Gospel. All the SoupMobile did
2,000 years later was use food (hot dogs) to both feed the multitude AND give
them the Love of Jesus.
question! Did Jesus know there would be an Oscar Mayer WienerMobile someday?
For sure---remember He knows everything. And did He know the SoupMobile and the
WienerMobile would partner together to spread HIS love. Absolutely, because as
we all know---HE knows everything!
May the Lord
Bless & Keep You & Yours!
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
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