Back in the winter of 1872, Caroline Astor was the self-crowned queen of New York Society. She formed a group called Mrs. Astor’s Four Hundred. The 400 was a ‘Who’s Who’ of New York Society. These elite 400 were invited to a special gala ball at Mrs. Astor’s palatial mansion each year. There was no real purpose to the Four Hundred except that they were seen as special and above everyone else.
Now let’s fast forward 139 years

Our Souper 100 will be composed of 100 ladies (yes, it’s ladies only) who are on fire for Christ. 100 smart, creative, and out of the box thinking ladies who will be willing to use their power, influence, and energy to help the SoupMobile in its mission of ‘Feeding & Sheltering’ the homeless.

Souper 100 members pay a $1,000 Annual Membership Fee. For some of you, that will not be a problem. For others you may have to stretch to make it happen. Whatever your situation, I want you to know that your Annual Membership fee goes directly to our mission of ‘Feeding & Sheltering’ the homeless. For more information on the Souper 100, CLICK HERE.
May the Lord Bless & Keep You All.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
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