SAVE THE DATE! The first quarterly meeting of the Souper 100 has been set for:
Monday November 7, 2011 at the fabulous downtown Dallas Ritz-Carlton Hotel.
Here's a short reminder of what the Souper 100 is all about. The SoupMobile's Souper 100 will be composed of 100 ladies (yes, it's ladies only) who are on fire for Christ. 100 smart, creative and out of the box thinking ladies who will use their power, influence and energy to help the SoupMobile in its mission of 'Feeding and Sheltering' the homeless.

2,000 years ago Christ said "Go out into all the world." I don't know if he was thinking of a Souper 100 and the Ritz-Carlton when he said those words but this much I do know. Through 'Feeding & Sheltering' the homeless the SoupMobile is passionately committed to bringing the love of the Lord to the ones that Jesus called the 'least of these.'
The SoupMan & his fabulous SoupTeam are looking for 100 special ladies. Are you one of them?
Final note: Since the launch of the Souper 100, this question has come up: 'Do I really have to be on fire for Christ to be a member of the Souper 100?' I'm thinking that if you have read this far, that question has already been answered.
Okay Souper 100 ladies, the clock is ticking. Save the Date---November 7, 2011.
For more details about the Souper 100 go to
May the Lord Bless & Keep You All.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Hello. My name is Kyle and me and my wife have a small homeless outreach called hearts for the homeless and we make sack lunches for the homeless people on fridays here in fort worth. We have been doing this for almost two yrs and we really enjoy it. Michael Crippen told me about your ministry and I just wanted to say hello :-) I have tried emailing you but I dont guess you received my email. Its cool. God bless you David :-)