Thursday, January 27, 2011


Dear SoupFriends,

Greetings from the SoupMan!

I met a young lady this week with a big heart. Her name is Lisa Robison and she is the Founder & President of a local Dallas non-profit called 'Dwell with Dignity' (DWD).

A few years ago as Lisa was approaching her 40th birthday, her husband asked her what she wanted as a gift. After much thought she decided that she didn't want anything for herself. What she did want was a 'venue' to give to the less fortunate in our community.

So after much thought and prayer she came up with the idea of 'Dwell with Dignity---a non-profit dedicated to designing and furnishing home interiors for families escaping poverty and homelessness. Imagine if you will, a homeless family finally being able to move into their own housing. However that's only half the battle. Typically they would be moving into a barren space without any furniture, appliances, bedding or kitchen ware. That's where Lisa and DWD ride to the rescue. They come in and take an empty space and transform it into a comfortable, warm and loving space---a real home. How does Lisa and her fabulous team know they are doing good. They need only look at the smiles on the faces of the incoming families and the tears in their eyes as the new homeowners see the incredible transformation DWD has made in their new home.

However that's not the end of the story. In fact its only the beginning. You see, Lisa started DWD on a wing and a lot of prayers. Armed only with a little seed money from her husband and a lot of prayers Lisa and DWD have come light years in the last 24 months. They have done so well that they are booked up for home makeovers for the coming year. Therein lies the rub. It take money to make it all happen. And while people from all over the Dallas area have been incredibly generous in donating home furnishings, cash is what really makes it all work.

I want to encourage my readers to reach out to Lisa and DWD with both furnishings AND monies. I can speak from experience here. You need money to run a non-profit. Good works don't come free. I'm asking you to give prayer consideration to partnering with Lisa and DWD in a monetary way. I'm not asking you to give to her sacrificially. I'm asking you to give to her out of your abundance. Lisa is making a difference! You too can make a difference by partnering with her in this wonderful cause. Visit the DWD website for more details on how to contact Lisa and how to help.

Did I mention that Lisa is a LADY WITH A BIG HEART!

May the Lord Bless & Keep You All.

Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan

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