Monday, January 14, 2013

Miracle Stuff!!!

Greetings from the SoupMan!

The SoupMobile turns 10 years old in 2013 and by any measure a lot of ‘Stuff’ has happened in SoupWorld during those 10 years.  Some would refer to that ‘Stuff’ as ‘Miracle Stuff.’ In 2003 the SoupMobile started on a wing and a lot of prayers. We’ve never had a deep pocket donor to bail us out and we’ve never been under the umbrella of a church or another organization to rescue us if things got rough. However no worry because what we have had is 10 years of Jesus leading the way. More about that a little later in this blog.   

Meanwhile here’s some ‘Stuff’ that happened at the SoupMobile in 2012 that you might be interested to know about! 

1. In 2012 we surpassed the ONE MILLION mark in meals served since 2003. Talk about ‘Feeding HIS Sheep!’  

2. In 2012 we added 2 group homes and now have a total of 7 group homes for the homeless in SoupMobile Village. There is ‘Room at the Inn.’

3. In 2012 God opened the door for us to have our annual Christmas event at the spectacular downtown Dallas Omni Hotel.  

4. The SoupMobile Thrift Store opened on September 1, 2012. The store employs homeless people and by God’s incredible grace it’s been making a profit from day one. We are selling a lot of stuff. 

5. 2012 was the 4th year in a row that Lon Ricker has been Chairman of the Celebrate Jesus Christmas event. He’s graciously agreed to do it again in 2013. Talk about a guy with the right stuff.

6. The SoupMan & his SoupWife Shana celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary in 2012. And miracles of miracles she hasn’t sent him back under the ‘Free Look Provision’ in the marriage contract!  

7. More than 2,500 people volunteered at the SoupMobile’s 8th Annual Celebrate Jesus Christmas event at the Omni Hotel. The true spirit of Christmas is alive & well in Dallas, Texas.

8.Texas Governor Rick Perry issued a Proclamation commending the SoupMobile’s Christmas event at the Omni. 

However of all the things that happened in 2012, one thing stands head above heels above and beyond everything else. What’s that one thing??? It’s simply that the God of the Red Sea is alive and well. If you need proof of God’s existence you can always read the Bible. It’s chock full of stories about the wonder and majesty of the Lord.  However for those of you that need even more proof of Gods existence, I would humbly suggest you simply look at the history of the SoupMobile. 

Since our humble beginnings in 2003 the SoupMobile has been a showcase for the miracles of the Lord. For 10 years it’s been an absolute parade of God’s miracles. Time after time HE has parted the Red Sea’s for us. Time after time HE has ridden to our rescue. Time after time HE has opened doors for us that we could have never opened ourselves.
So if you want to talk God, then talk the Bible but also consider talking the SoupMobile. 2,000 years ago Jesus said to ‘Feed HIS Sheep.’ At the SoupMobile we are doing that very thing, but only because the God of the Red Sea is alive and well and is still in the Miracle business.

So how about you??? Want to get in on some of that Miracle Stuff at the SoupMobile??? As they say on the ‘Price is Right Show’, “Come on Down.” Yes, come on down and volunteer at the SoupMobile. More details at

May the Lord Bless & Keep You & Yours.

Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan

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