from the SoupMan!
Here we go
again! Another year has flown by and it’s already Thanksgiving week. It’s a time many of us reflect on what we are
truly thankful for. This will be my 39th Thanksgiving on this earth.
Well, er, ah, maybe a few more years than 39, but who’s counting!!!
So am I thankful this year? You betcha! I am
incredibly thankful and consider myself to be blessed beyond measure. Why you
might ask? Is it because I am fabulously wealthy? Nope! How about I’m blessed because of the huge
mansion I live in? Nope—no mansion! Maybe it’s my thousands of adoring fans? No
again---there don’t seem to be any adoring fans on my doorstep!
So gee, why
do I feel so blessed. Well it doesn’t hurt that I have the most fabulous wife
on the planet---Shana! But in truth the reason goes much deeper. Every day I
‘get’ to help people. Every day I ‘get’ to bless my fellowman. Every day I
‘get’ to give. And of course when I say ‘I’, I really mean ‘we.’ At the
SoupMobile it’s a team effort. We ‘get’ to serve the ones Jesus called the
‘least of these.’
Notice the
word ‘get’. We ‘get’ to help the homeless. We don’t ‘have’ to do it, we ‘get’
to do it. I consider it a deep privilege that the Lord allows me to do what
I/we do. You’ve heard of the Monday blues. I never get them, or the Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday blues. Never! Every single day
when I get out of bed I simply nod and thank God for this amazing privilege to
serve others. And it truly is a privilege. Why so some might ask? After all we
put in lots of effort, long hours and work many late nights. Could that be a
privilege? Yes indeed!
The reason
is incredibly simple. As givers we get so much more that we give. No I don’t
have a ka-zillion dollars and a huge mansion. Nonetheless my life is one of
incredible richness, warmth, love and joy. And it’s all because the old saying
is absolutely true---‘It’s better to give than to receive.’ And did I mention
my how blessed I am to have a wife as fabulous as Shana.

you have a joyous and blessed Thanksgiving.
May the Lord
Bless & Keep You & Yours.
David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
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