Dear SoupFriends,
Greetings from the SoupMan!
Well, that's another Christmas in the books. Or as we like to say at the SoupMobile---Another Christmas for Jesus! How so, you say?
2,000 years ago there was 'No Room at the Inn' for baby Jesus. However in 2010 the SoupMobile made 'Room at the Inn' for hundreds of homeless folks. We just celebrated our 6th Annual CELEBRATE JESUS Christmas event. We took 500 (YES 500) homeless men and women right off the streets of Dallas and put them up at the downtown Dallas Hyatt Regency Hotel for Christmas. They all received new clothes, fabulous gifts, lots of love and we held a huge mega banquet in their honor. Most important when they woke up on Christmas morning it was in a warm safe bed at the Hyatt---not in a cardboard box under some bridge.
Once again the special guest server at this years event was Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert.
He was joined by over 1,500 volunteers who came to the Hyatt to help out with the event. For the 2nd year in a row, Lon Ricker was the Chairman of the Celebrate Jesus Christmas event. He did an amazing job as he coordinated and ran this massive event. Our special thanks to Lon for giving of himself to this wonderful cause.
In reality it all keeps coming back to Jesus. HE said "Feed My Sheep." At the SoupMobile we believe he meant more than just food. He also meant love, caring, compassion and shelter. The SoupMobile does this on a daily basis throughout the year. Celebrating Christmas at the Hyatt with our 500 homeless guests is the grand finale of our efforts every year. My special thanks to all the volunteers that attended the event and to all those that supported the SoupMobile during the year.
Yes, it was another 'Christmas for Jesus.' Now its back to 'every day for Jesus.' The SoupMobile is on the front lines on a year around basis as we wage a war against hunger in the Dallas area. Every day we are spreading the love of Jesus as we go about our mission of 'Feeding' and 'Sheltering' the homeless. The SoupMan would be honored if you would join him in 2011 and work shoulder to shoulder with him as we 'Feed HIS Sheep.' For more details about the SoupMobile go to:
May the Lord Bless Bless & Keep You.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
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