Monday, December 28, 2009
5th Annual Christmas Angel Project---A Spectucular Success!!!
The SoupMobile's 5th Annual Christmas Angel Project is over and what a fabulous event it was. The SoupMobile took 500 homeless men and women right off the streets of Dallas and put them up at the downtown Dallas Hyatt Regency Hotel for Christmas. They all received new clothes, fabulous gifts, an incredible amount of love and we held a huge banquet in their honor.
Lon Ricker was this year's project Chairman and he says it was an overwhelming success. Over 1500 volunteers came to the downtown Hyatt Regency to help with the event. That's up from 700 in 2008.Those volunteers were led by our own Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert who rolled up his sleeves and helped serve a fabulous meal to our homeless guests at the afternoon banquet.
During the banquet our homeless guests were treated to an amazing show. Dancers from the Debbie Allen Dance Studio rocked the ballroom as they preformed to a selection of Micheal Jackson hits. Following the dancers were short speeches given by Mayor Tom Leppert and David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan.
During his speech the SoupMan made a surprise announcement regarding SoupMobile Village. The audience roared in approval as David gave the astounding news. For more details on that announcement go to and get all the updated news on the Village.
Lon Ricker extends a grateful thanks to all of the supporters who helped with this year's event. He says we received substantial support from the Dallas business community and sends out his special thanks to the 1500 volunteers who came to the Hyatt to assist with the project. Lon went on to say 'that if you helped with this year's event-- just wait until next year as we plan to blow the roof off the place.'
Christmas is over, but remember you can still help us meet our target fundraising goal for this year's event. Simply go to All donations received by January 31st will count towards the 2009 event.
My grateful thanks to each and every one of you who helped with this year event. Thank you for sharing in my dream of reaching out to the ones
Jesus called the 'least of these.' You made a huge difference in the lives of 500 homeless men and women this Christmas.
May God bless you all.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Executive Director--SoupMobile inc.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Tidings from the SoupMan
Christmas Tidings from SoupMan!
There are less than 72 hours before Christmas. As you may know the SoupMobile is taking 500 homelesss men and women right off the street of Dallas and putting them up at the downtown Dallas Hyatt Regency Hotel for Christmas as part of our 5th Annual Christmas Angel Project.
They will all receive new clothes, fabulous gifts, lots of love and a huge banquet in their honor. Most important is that when they wake up on Christmas Morning it will be in a warm safe bed at the Hyatt--- not in some cardboard box under a bridge.
We have been blessed by an outpouring of support for this event. So far over 1200 volunteers have signed up and donations have been steady. However we will still have a ways to go. I am asking you to give prayerful consideration to sponsoring a homeless person's stay at the Hyatt this Christmas. It cost $100 to sponsor one homeless person.
Will you help me help the ones Jesus called the 'least of these.' Here is what your donation will mean.
When you are sitting down to dinner with your friends and family with all the delicious aromas of the Christmas feast surrounding you, with your help, so will they.
When you are laughing and smiling with your loved ones this Christmas, with your help, so will they.
When you lay your head down at night, full and content from another wonderful Christmas, with your help, so will they.
This will be the SoupMan's last appeal to you in 2009 for help. Some people 'want' to make a difference----you 'can' make a difference. Simply go to and click on DONATE. I can promise you it will be the best Christmas gift you will ever give and the warm feeling in your heart will be the best Christmas gift you ever get. For those wanting to mail in a donation, make your check or money order payable to the SoupMobile and mail to SoupMobile 3017 Commerce St. Dallas Tx. 75226.
Merry Christmas and may the Lord bless and keep you.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Executive Director--SoupMobile Inc.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Countdown to Christmas!!!
Can you believe it! It's 10 days to Christmas. 10 days until we celebrate the SoupMobile's 5th Annual Christmas Angel Project. 10 days until the SoupMobile takes 500 homeless men and women right off the streets of Dallas and puts them up at the downtown Dallas Hyatt Regency Hotel for Christmas. They will all receive new clothes, fabulous gifts, lots of love and we will hold a huge banquet in their honor.
Most important is that when they wake up on Christmas morning it will be in a warm safe bed at the Hyatt---not in a cardboard box under some bridge.
So far we have over 800 volunteers who have signed up to come and volunteer at the Hyatt this Christmas. Yes EIGHT HUNDRED--with more sign ups pouring in every day. If you have been hanging on the fence trying to decide whether you want to volunteer with the SoupMobile this Christmas at the Hyatt, your time is now. Soon we are going to have to start shutting down the volunteer slots.
Yes come to the Dallas Hyatt Regency this Christmas and join the SoupMan and his fabulous SoupTeam and over 1,000 volunteers for the most magical Christmas you will every experience. Come and join us as we make sure there is 'Room at the Inn' for 500 of the ones Jesus called the 'least of these.'
The SoupMan knows that some people will be out of town this Christmas and others are already committed with other holiday plans. Might I suggest you come in spirit. And please remember that your financial donation can make a huge difference in the life of a homeless person. Whether you donate 'two mites', two dollars, two hundred dollars, two thousand dollars or even more, it will be the best Christmas gift you ever give and the warm feeling in your heart will be the best Christmas gift you ever get.
For more information about volunteering or donating to the event go to:
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Executive Director--SoupMobile Inc
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Pay It Forward!!!
Greetings from the SoupMan!
The SoupMobile's Mission Statement consists of three simple words spoken by Jesus himself.
Feed MY Sheep
At the SoupMobile we do that very thing. We serve more than 150,000 meals per year to the homeless in the Dallas area. We also distribute clothes to them year around and now we shelter them through our program called:
Our goal is to open 100 group homes located all over the Dallas area. Each home designed to hold up to five homeless people. Each home designed to transition homeless men and women right off the streets of Dallas back into regular working members of society. With the Lord's leading we opened the first group home in SoupMobile Village on October 7, 2009. The Grand Opening made the front page of the Dallas Morning News. You've heard the old adage, 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach him to fish and you feed him for life.' That's what SoupMobile Village is all about. Literally taking homeless people off the streets and transitioning them back into regular society where they have jobs, families and their own place to live.
At the SoupMobile we feel blessed to have opened this first group home on Oct. 7th. However remember our goal is 100 group homes. Just like the great wall of China that started with one brick, SoupMobile Village has started with one group home. In 2010 we plan to expand the Village with more group homes. That's going to take a pretty penny. Our goal is to raise One Million Dollars to support the SoupMobile and SoupMobile Village.
Mother Teresa said, "At the end of our lives we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by 'I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in."
Will you help Pay it Forward! I'm NOT making a mass appeal for my donors to send me money. I'm looking for a few key money people out there to help me find the money. One wealthy donor (you know who you are) could easily write us a check for the One Million and the deal is done. Maybe you yourself don't have that kind of money but you know people who do. Or possibly your organization already supports multiple charities and you would consider making the SoupMobile one of your beneficiaries.
You may be wondering if I help 'what's in it for me.' Will I get my name on a building---NO. My name up in lights--NO. My name on the front page of the Dallas Morning News--NO. You will get none of those 'material' things. What you will get is what we all seek to hear some day from the Lord, "Well done my good and faithful servant."
Are you with me. If so call the SoupMan at 1-800-375-5022 or email me at:
Together we can rock this world for Jesus.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Executive Director---SoupMobile Inc
Friday, November 13, 2009
Angels in Disguise!
Do you believe in Angels? I do!
Since I started the SoupMobile back in 2003 I have been blessed to meet many earth Angels. These Angels are men and women who have kind hearts and giving spirits. Angels who care about helping the ones Jesus called, 'the least of these.' Angels who back up their caring with concrete action.
This week I want to tell you about a special group of Angels. They own and run a local Dallas web company called WorryFreeDesign (WFD). Their names are Diana, Budi and Suyadi. Three earthly Angels who are a blessing not only to the SoupMobile but to their fellowman.
About 18 months ago they approached me and asked if we needed help with the SoupMobile web site. I told them we did and that I had been praying for someone to come in and revamp and maintain our web site. When I asked them what the charge would be for their services they responded by saying, 'We believe in what you are doing to help the homeless and any services we provide to you will be at no charge.' They have been true to their word and have made the SoupMobile web site a sight to behold. Want proof? Simply go to and see what a fabulous job they have done.
WorryFreeDesign does more than just website design. They also do web hosting, internet marketing, domain name registration, programming & support and logo design. Do you need web help? Well look no further. WFD does it all. Diana, Budi and Suyadi aren't just top notch professionals running one of the top web firms in the country, but they truly have hearts of gold.
Of course if you hire WFD they won't be working for free like they do for the SoupMobile, but they will give you a price that is not only fair but extremely competitive. You can contact them and check out their web site at:
Tell them the SoupMan sent you!
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Executive Director---SoupMobile Inc
Friday, November 6, 2009
Mayor Tom Leppert to Attend SoupMobile's 5th Annual Christmas Angel Project
The SoupMan is pleased to announce that Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert will be attending the SoupMobile's 5th Annual Christmas Angel Project this year. The SoupMan and his Fabulous SoupTeam will be taking 500 homeless men and women right off the streets of Dallas and putting them up at the downtown Dallas Hyatt Regency Hotel for Christmas. Yes THE Hyatt Regency. All of our guests will receive new clothes, fabulous gifts, lots of love and we will hold a huge banquet in their honor. Most important is that when they wake up on Christmas morning it will be in a warm safe bed at the Hyatt---not in a cardboard box under some bridge.
Please note that they Mayor will not just be attending as a spectator. He will be one of our FAB 50 Maitre'D servers. Yes you heard it right. We have a Mayor who is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and serve the ones Jesus called the least of these. Here are some more details about the FAB 50.
The Fab 50—Maitre'D's
December 24th 12:30PM to 2:30PM
Marsalis Ballroom—Hyatt Regency
Jesus humbly served those in need. He even washed their feet. The SoupMan is offering 50 men and women the privilege of serving as Maitre'D's for the Homeless Banquet at the Soupmobiles 5th Annual Christmas Angel Project. There will be 50 tables set up in the Marsalis Ballroom with ten homeless guests at each table. As Maitre'D's you will be responsible for your special table. You will be expected to greet your 10 homeless guests, take their food orders, serve their food and make them feel like Kings & Queens. Assisting you will be a support staff of runners and servers. Unlike regular banquets where you are the guest of honor and you eat the fancy food, at our banquet you will not get anything to eat and you will be the one doing the serving---just like Jesus.
The SoupMan invites you to come and join with the Mayor as he serves our homeless men and women. It will be the best Christmas gift you will ever give and when you see the smiles on the faces of the homeless and the tears in their eyes---it will be the best Christmas gift you ever receive.
This will be a formal dress experience. All male Maitre'D's will wear Tuxedos and all female Maitre'D's will wear their best formal gowns.
The cost to you for the honor and privilege of serving as Maitre'D's is a $1,000 donation to the SoupMobile. This volunteer opportunity is limited to the first 50 sign ups. Like Jesus, you will spend this Christmas serving the ones Jesus called the 'least of these.'
For more details about the SoupMobile's 5th Annual Christmas Angel Project and how you can be a part of this fabulous event, go to:
May the Lord bless and keep you all.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Executive Director---SoupMobile Inc.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Christmas Angel Project---We Have Lift Off!!!
I'm pleased to announce that the Christmas Angel Project link on our website went live on Nov. 1st. Christmas is only eight weeks away and this is your chance to sign up to volunteer for a magical event.
It's the SoupMobile's 5th Annual Christmas Angel Project. The SoupMan and his fabulous SoupTeam are taking 500 homeless men and women right off the streets of Dallas and putting them up at the downtown Dallas Hyatt Regency Hotel for Christmas. Yes---THE HYATT REGENCY!
2,000 years ago there was NO room at the inn for the one we call baby Jesus. With your help we will make sure there is room at the inn for 500 of the ones Jesus called the 'least of these.' Our homeless guests will all receive new clothes, fabulous gifts, lots of love and a huge banquet in their honor. Most important is that when they wake up on Christmas morning it will be in a warm safe bed at the Hyatt---not in a cardboard box under some bridge.
Last year we had over 700 volunteers sign up and come to the Hyatt to help with the event. This year we estimate there will be over 1,000 volunteers. Its first come first serve and we will close off the volunteer slots as they fill up. The SoupMan makes this promise to you. If you come and volunteer at the Hyatt this Christmas it will be the best Christmas gift you ever give, and when you see the smiles on the faces of the homeless and the tears in their eyes, it will be the best Christmas gift you will ever receive.
Come to the Hyatt this Christmas. Join with the SoupMan and his fabulous SoupTeam and over 1,000 volunteers for a magical Christmas. For more details go to our website:
May the Lord bless you all.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Friday, October 23, 2009
SoupMobile Village-----Updated Developments
As you all know SoupMobile Village opened its doors on October 7, 2009 and moved in its first resident—Mackie Choice. He has been homeless and living under a bridge in a cardboard box for the past 15 years. He had lived under the bridge so long that he came to be known as the Mayor of Boxville.
On April 1, 2009 Mack was hired as an Assistant Warehouse Manager at the SoupMobile. His salary was generously sponsored by one of the SoupMobile’s faithful supporters---Betsy & Rusty Kennard. Then on October 7th Mack moved into his new home in the Village and became the Honorary Mayor of SoupMobile Village.
You may well imagine that after 15 years of being homeless that Mack’s teeth were not in very good shape. Cynthia Izaguirre of Channel 8 news had asked Mack what his wish was for this Christmas. Mack said he wanted a new set of teeth so he could smile again without being embarrassed. Cynthia put out an appeal for a dentist to help Mack on a pro bono basis. Several calls came in and one of the Dallas area’s top dental offices agreed to give Mack the Christmas gift he wished for.
My special thanks to Lee Fitzgerald, D.D.S, F.A.G.D, F.I.C.O.I, Associate Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry—Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry for agreeing to give Mack his Christmas wish. Dr. Fitzgerald’s office is known for its quality work and attention to detail as its serves the residents of the greater Dallas area. Thank you to Dr. Fitzgerald and his amazing staff for making a difference.
p.s. More breaking news on SoupMobile Village. Our second resident, a gentleman by the name of James---who has been homeless for the past 4 years will be moving into the Village on Friday Oct. 23rd. Through our extensive network of supporters the SoupMobile has already secured a job interview for James at one of the leading companies in the Dallas area. More details on that in a later blog.
Finally my grateful thanks to all of my friends, supporters, and prayer warriors who support the work of the SoupMobile. Jesus said “Feed MY Sheep.” Thank you for helping me do just that!
God bless you all,
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
SoupMobile Village----The Dream has become a Reality !
As you may know the grand opening of SoupMobile Village took place last Wednesday October 7, 2009. Imagine if you will, One Hundred group homes located all over the Dallas area. Each home designed to bring the homeless off the streets of Dallas and transition them back into regular society. Well imagine no more. Our first group home opened for business last week and we have set off on the journey of a lifetime.
At the Grand Opening we moved in our first resident, Mr. Mackie Choice. He had been homeless for more than 15 years living in a cardboard box under the I45 Expressway in South Dallas. Now Mack is gainfully employed, sleeps in a warm safe bed and begins his own journey toward a better life.
We are currently processing additional candidates for slots in the village. Our goal is to start moving in additional homeless men by the end of October.
The response to the opening of SoupMobile Village has been overwhelmingly positive. We have been amazed by the outpouring of calls, letters and emails in support of our new venture. Jesus said "Feed MY Sheep." At the SoupMobile we think that means more than just food. We also believe it means clothing, compassion, caring, love and yes--Shelter. We are also keenly aware that God sent Jesus to save the world, NOT the SoupMobile. But as his hands and feet here on this earth we believe we can make a difference. How many homeless can we help and how big a difference can we make? There is no telling for sure, but I like to think of the StarFish story. (Read below).
Once a man was walking along a beach. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Off in the distance he could see a person going back and forth between the surf's edge and the beach. Back and forth this person went. As the man approached he could see that there were hundreds of starfish stranded on the sand as the result of the natural action of the tide.
The man was stuck by the apparent futility of the task. There were far too many starfish. Many of them were sure to perish. As he approached the person continued the task of picking up starfish one by one and throwing them into the surf.
As he came up to the person he said, "You must be crazy. There are thousands of miles of beach covered with starfish. You can't possibly make a difference." The person looked at the man. He then stooped down and pick up one more starfish and threw it back into the ocean. He turned back to the man and said, "It sure made a difference to that one!"
Please accept my grateful thanks for sharing in our dream of reaching out to the one's in our community that Jesus called, "the least of these." Thank you for your kind words, your support and most important your prayers.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The Dream has become a Reality!!!
I have amazing news for you. The SoupMobile has decided to expand its feeding operation to include sheltering the homeless. In the Dallas area there are more than 10,000 homeless people but only 2,000 shelter beds. Simple math tells us that there is not enough ‘room at the inn.’
This new venture will be called SOUPMOBILE VILLAGE. Imagine if you will, 100 group homes located all over the Dallas area. Each home designed to take homeless men and women right off the streets of Dallas. Well imagine no more---The Dream has become a Reality!
SoupMobile Village is now operational. I’m pleased to announce the opening of the SoupMobile’s first group home. All residents of SoupMobile Village will be expected to get jobs and participate in the maintenance and upkeep of the home. Our plan is that our residents will become working members of society who work and pay taxes just like you and I do. No freeloading like in regular shelters where they just give you a bed for the night and kick you out the next day. Each of our residents will be expected to carry their own weight. SoupMobile Village is giving a ‘Hand Up’, not a ‘Hand Out.’
I need your help to make this 1st phase of SoupMobile Village a success. Just like when we started the SoupMobile feeding operation back in 2003, we are starting SoupMobile Village on a wing and a lot of prayers. Once again we are way out on a limb.
I think you should know that we have had a few people tell us not to expand our feeding operation to include sheltering the homeless. They have said things like, ‘it’s too risky---you might fail---don’t take any chances---let someone else worry about sheltering them." My humble response to those naysayers is three words spoken by Jesus himself.
Jesus said, “Feed MY Sheep.” At the SoupMobile we think this means more than just food. We think it also means clothing, compassion, love and yes---shelter.
So imagine if you will---The SoupMan sitting way out on a limb. It’s cold, dark and windy. First out on that limb with the SoupMan is the one we call Jesus. He puts his arm around me and beckons to you to come out and join us.
I am not asking for your help to prove the naysayers wrong. I am asking for your help to prove Jesus right. Frankly I need your help now. Our first residents have already moved into SoupMobile Village and the clock is ticking on our expenses. In the Bible Jesus talked about the widow who gave ‘two mites.’ He praised her for giving out of her poverty. I am asking you to give prayerful consideration to helping me with an offering to help fund SoupMobile Village. And whether you give two mites, two dollars, two hundred dollars, two thousand dollars or even more , it will all be used to shelter the ones that Jesus called ‘the least of these.’ I am asking you to give something and I am asking that you do it now. No amount is too small and no amount too large. Thank you and God bless you all.
David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Executive Director---SoupMobile Inc.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
New Partnership with Jus-Made
The SoupMan is pleased to announce an amazing new partnership with Jus-Made; a Texas limited company that began over 60 years ago. Jus-Made produces a wide array of beverage items for the food service and retail industry in their 80,000 square foot facility
Jus-Made is now the “Official Drink Provider” for the SoupMobile and will be donating a wide assortment of nutritious and delicious drinks for our homeless men and women.
Please read the press release below that Jus-Made recently distributed announcing the partnership.
God bless you all.
David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan

The SoupMobile in Support of its Community Outreach Programs
September 24, 2009, DALLAS, TEXAS – Today, Jus-Made, LP, a beverage manufacturing company based in Dallas, announced its recent partnership with another local Dallas organization, The SoupMobile. Jus-Made, LP, will be donating beverages to The SoupMobile’s outreach program to feed the homeless.
At the forefront of the beverage-manufacturing sector for the last 54 years, Jus-made, LP, is currently teaming up with The SoupMobile to become their first official beverage partner. According to Director of Development Lon Ricker, providing beverages for the homeless is The SoupMobile’s biggest expense. For its part, Jus-made will shoulder the responsibility for donating lemonades and isotonic beverages to those in need. “We are incredibly grateful for Jus-Made’s support, especially in this difficult economic time, where our limited resources are being met with a growing demand for our services,” says Ricker.
“The SoupMobile does it right and served thousands and thousands of meals last year without a bureaucracy. For each meal to have something just as good to drink with it is what we want to happen. We’re excited to give back to our very own community,” says John Hampton, President of Jus-Made, LP. “Jus-Made hopes that the SoupMobile can put its funds to work in other areas. It will be touching to see what kind of a boost this gives to the SoupMobile and the wonderful people associated with it who work so hard and smart to alleviate human suffering right down the street from our plant.”
About The SoupMobile
In 2003, David Timothy, a.k.a The SoupMan founded the SoupMobile, a local non-profit, and “mobile” soup kitchen. This year alone, The SoupMobile will serve more than 150,000 meals to homeless in the Dallas community. Its mission is to provide food, clothing and shelter to those who need it most.
About Jus-Made
Jus-Made, LP has manufactured a wide variety of products in the beverage sector for the last 54 years. The company was originally founded by Lamar Dial, one of the creators of Orange Julius as well as a member of the development team that eventually created the 7-Eleven Slurpee©. The company has received an “A” rating from the BRC certifying body for the Global Food Safety Initiative and its facility in Dallas includes modern beverage processing equipment, efficient pasteurizing processes, large blending tanks, and effective production measures also certified under HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System). Jus-Made’s products can be found throughout the United States in grocery stores, wholesale clubs, convenience stores, restaurants and bars.
Mark Rudkin
Vice President, Marketing
Friday, September 18, 2009
Dear SoupFriends,
The SoupMan is pleased to have a guest blogger on his blog this week. Let me introduce Wendy Leth-Steensen. She is a freelance writer located in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and has a passion for helping others. Please enjoy her writing and look for the SoupMan to be back on line next week.
Have you ever made 1,000 sandwiches in one sitting? It's easy! Take about 45 volunteers, put them all in a room, and add lots and lots of bread, cheese and meat. Two hours later, you'll have enough food prepared to feed lunch to the hungry and homeless for a week, not to mention a satisfied feeling that you gave back to your community.
On Saturday mornings throughout the year, eager volunteers from Random Acts of Kindness ( (RAK) gather at the eXcuses eXtreme cafe' ( in Deep Ellum in Dallas. General Manager of the cafe', Barbara Martinez, not only provides the long tables for food prep assembly lines, but also coffee and ice tea for everyone. The venue also becomes a popular place to stay afterwards and chat with new friends over a mid-day meal.
"It's a great way to meet new people, and it is also for a good cause", says Al McCraw, assistant organizer for RAK. "The SoupMobile was among the first organizations RAK became affiliated with. When I met David Timothy of the SoupMobile, I was so touched by his story that I wanted to help. Another RAK volunteer, Robin Nichols, was already doing the sandwich-making parties, and I was organizing events in Deep Ellum that benefited the SoupMobile as well as Deep Ellum merchants and local artists. I still do these benefits but also take Robin's lead and do sandwich-making events for RAK."
According to the SoupMobile, there are more 10,000 hungry and homeless people in Dallas. What can you do to help out? Here are three things:
1) Give a few hours on a Saturday morning to prepare sandwiches
2)Provide a donation of bread, cheese, bologna, mustard, plastic gloves and/or Ziploc bags
3) Have a willingness to help better the lives of the disadvantaged in our community
If this sounds like something you want to do, log on to RAK on ( and sign up to make a difference!
About Random Acts of Kindness
Random Acts of Kindness ( is a non-profit group organized via the online social networking portal Currently, it has over 1,800 members. Volunteers come from all walks of life in terms of ethnicity, age, profession and religion. Upcoming events include serving meals at the Salvation Army, participating in senior day at Ashford Hall , helping a soldier phone home, and cleaning up White Rock Lake and the Cottonbelt Trail.
About the SoupMobile
The SoupMobile( is a non-profit mobile soup kitchen feeding, clothing and caring for the needy and homeless in the Dallas area. It is based out of Deep Ellum and serves around 600 meals a day Monday through Friday. In 2009 the SoupMobile will serve up to 150,000 meals.
Wendy Leth-Steensen, freelance writer located in Dallas-FortWorth area
Friday, September 4, 2009
The SoupMobile serves 150,000 hot, healthy, nutritious meals every year to the homeless in the Dallas area.
Yes, that's an amazing number of meals and its all because of an amazing man we affectionately call Chef Gene. He is the Head Chef at the SoupMobile and is directly responsible for making sure thousands and thousands of homeless men and women get the food they literally need to survive.
Chef Gene isn't just a great cook. He is a wonderful man with a kind spirit and a passion for reaching out to the 'least of these' in our community. He believes in the words of Jesus who said, "Feed MY Sheep'.
Every weekday volunteers (known as Assistant Chefs) lend a hand to Chef Gene (who is also a volunteer) as he prepares the hot and hearty meals for the homeless. As they begin to prepare the meals each day, Chef Gene reminds his assistants to put the 'secret' ingredient into the food. Of course that 'secret' ingredient is LOVE!
Chef Gene was recently featured in a full length article on the front page of the Dallas Morning News on August 29, 2009.
Click on this link to read that story:
p.s. I know you may be thinking. 'I want to help Chef Gene feed the homeless.' Well there are two main ways you can help. One is you can actually volunteer in the kitchen with Chef Gene as an Assistant Chef--no experience required as Chef Gene will tell you exactly what you need to do.
Second you can help Chef Gene by helping him buy the food he needs. Each meal he cooks costs an average of $1.00. So whether you donate One Dollar or One Million Dollars or anywhere in between, you will be helping Chef Gene 'Feed HIS Sheep'.
Click on this link to find out more about helping:
p.p.s. Well I've got to go. My nose detects some wonderful cooking smells from Chef Gene's kitchen and I'm going to head in there and see if he might give me a sample.
God Bless you all.
David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Monday, August 17, 2009
However it seems I digress. Back to Pennies from Heaven---2009. Did you know that the SoupMobile has been running a (PFH) campaign for the past year. What's that all about you ask?
Well the SoupMan got the Pennies from Heaven idea from a 10 year old boy from Michigan named Andrew. A few years ago Andrew decided to raise money to help his school buy equipment. His goal was to collect ONE MILLION PENNIES--which equals $10,000 and donate the money to his school. It took him #14 months to do it, but do it he did. I was truly inspired when I heard this story. I figured if a 10 year old boy could collect One Million Pennies for a good cause, so could you. So I put out the challenge to groups, churches, schools, organizations and individuals to have their own Pennies from Heaven campaign whereby they would collect pennies and donate them to the SoupMobile so we could buy food for the homeless.
So far over 20 groups/individuals have signed up and started collecting pennies. The top penny collector to date is the John D. Horn High School in Mesquite, Texas. They collected just over ONE HALF MILLLION PENNIES and donated that money to the SoupMobile to be used to feed the homeless. As we speak they are still collecting more pennies.
So now I can hear you thinking, 'Hey, anybody could collect pennies--even I could do it.' Well the SoupMan couldn't agree more. You can do it and it will be for a good cause. Want to know more about joining the SoupMan in collecting pennies which will be used to feed the homeless. Simply go to and click on PENNIES FROM HEAVEN and read all about it.
Guess what!!! If a 10 year old boy can do it, so can you!!!
God bless you all,
David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Christmas in August???
Here in Dallas in the heart of SoupMobile land its August. Temperatures are hovering around 100 degrees every day. In a word it's hot! So who's thinking about Christmas???
Well actually the SoupMan and his fabulous SoupTeam are thinking about Christmas. Planning is in full swing for the SoupMobile's 5th Annual Christmas Angel Project which will take place Dec. 24th & 25th, 2009.
This Christmas the SoupMobile will take 500 homeless men and women right off the streets of Dallas and put them up at the downtown Dallas Hyatt Regency Hotel. Yes, THE Hyatt Regency. All of our homeless friends will receive new clothes, fabulous gifts, great food, lots of love and a huge banquet in their honor. And when they wake up on Christmas morning it will be in a safe warm bed at the Hyatt---not in some cardboard box under a bridge.
Planning to house and entertain 500 homeless men and women for Christmas is an enormous task. Fortunately for the SoupMobile we have just the right people in place to run our Christmas Angel Project this year. The Chairman of this years event is the SoupMobile's Director of Development--Lon Ricker. Assisting Lon is our very own ace Volunteer Coordinator--Linda Graf. Two dynamic people with a passion for helping the homeless. Our grateful thanks to Lon and Linda for their faithful service.
Last year in 2008 we had over 700 volunteers come down to the Hyatt and volunteer to help us with the event. This year we estimate over 1,000 volunteers will attempt to sign up. I know what you are thinking. "I want to be part of this years event." Well, no worries as we would love to have you, but remember its first come first serve. Every year we have to shut down the volunteer slots in December. So if you want to volunteer be sure to sign up early. How and when can you sign up? The magic date is November 1st, 2009. On that date simply go to and click on CHRISTMAS ANGEL PROJECT and you can sign up right on line.
Volunteering at the Christmas Angel Project will be the best Christmas gift you ever give. And when you see the smiles on the faces of our homeless friends and the tears in their eyes, it will be the best Christmas gift you ever receive.
God bless you all.
David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan
Monday, August 3, 2009
The SoupMobile has just received a huge honor as a host to U.S. Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). We are so humbled that the IVLP has chosen the SoupMobile to sponsor their international volunteers while they are visiting the United States.
As a little background, the IVLP is designed to build mutual understanding between the U.S. and other countries through carefully designed visits that reflect the participants' professional interests and support U.S. foreign policy goals. That’s right! The SoupMobile is a direct reflection what America is about, serve before self.
The SoupMobile is very excited to welcome our visitors to the United States that will be coming from the countries of Columbia and Morocco.

Tezita Getadrew from IVLP and International Volunteers preparing snacks for the homeless.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Beat the Heat!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
SoupMobile Worldwide!

Hey Mr. SoupMan.
Just wanted to say thank you again for your book, it has filled me with inspiration and God has been blessing my adventure abundantly! I finished your book last week and have wanted to email, but have been busy, finally have the time!! I was so excited to read the chapter about Chef Gene, especially the part about his special ingredient - LOVE – I knew what it was before I even read it and that made me feel so excited, as when you know in your heart how things are meant to be, you just know that its GOD!! So please, thank Chef Gene for me, his story has inspired me and I know that this is the calling God has for me!! Thank you!
And another exciting thing I wanted to share with you was our logo which you have not seen yet and I suppose I had thought that there was no need until I read Chef Genes story!!
God is so Good!!
Another exciting answer to prayer is that God so kindly sat me next to the co-coordinator of Homeless people in Port Pirie, at a netball game (my daughter was playing!), and she asked me to pass on our information etc... And she will send her clients our way!!! So we are EXPECTING greater numbers very soon!
After finishing your book, I really feel that a mobile SoupVan is what my future will hold!! It’s great to have started, but I know in my heart God needs me to take bigger steps - IN HIS TIME!!! I passed your book onto my Pastor to read, he read it in 2 days, and enjoyed it very much, it is being passed onto other keen readers! Also the Christian bookshop in Port Pirie is going to purchase it, to put in their shop!!
God is so GREAT!!! Give Gods richest blessings to all your wonderful volunteers and please if you can share my story with one of God’s Sheep you are able to feed that would be such a blessing!!
Thank you, for your support and encouragement - God bless your SoupGirl and YOU!!
Steve and Paula Betzold