Monday, October 31, 2011

Bah Humbug!!!

Dear SoupFriends,

Greetings from the SoupMan!

In 1843 Charles Dickens wrote a novel titled: A Christmas Carol. It features Ebenezer Scrooge, a cold hearted, tight fisted and greedy man who despises Christmas. Scrooges's catchphrase was 'Bah Humbug', which he used to express his disgust for Christmas.

Fast forward 168 years to 2011 and it's almost time for Christmas. However it seems that for many this holiday has turned into something even worse than 'Bah Humbug.' It's become so commercialized that many stores will be putting on Christmas sales in November. For many the holiday is all about what they are getting. Even worse Christmas has fallen into the politically correct category. Merry Christmas has become 'Happy Holidays' for fear we will offend someone.

To all of this modern day stuff the SoupMan says 'Bah Humbug.'

Bah Humbug to the commercialization of Christmas and Bah Humbug to 'Happy Holidays.'

For me Christmas is all about celebrating the birth of Baby Jesus 2,000 years ago. More than that its about honoring his wishes. In the Bible Jesus talked about loving your fellowman. He did NOT talk about getting great gifts or being politically correct.

At the SoupMobile Christmas is all about giving a MERRY CHRISTMAS to 500 homeless men and women. (Yep, I said Merry Christmas). Don't get me started on that Happy Holidays stuff.

On December 24--25th the SoupMobile will be celebrating the birth of Jesus with its:

7th Annual Celebrate Jesus Christmas Extravaganza

In honor of Jesus and celebrating his birth 2,000 years ago the SoupMobile will be taking 500 homeless men and women right off the streets and put them up at the downtown Dallas Hyatt Regency Hotel for Christmas. They will all receive new clothes, fabulous gifts, lots of love and we hold a huge banquet for them and in their honor. Most important is that when they wake up on Christmas morning it’s in a warm safe bed at the Hyatt---NOT in a cardboard box under some bridge.

In Charles Dickens 1843 novel, Scrooge repents at the end, changes his ways and becomes a model of generosity and kindness. So what's Christmas going to look like for you this year? Are you getting or giving? If you are leaning towards the giving side, I might have just the thing for you. How about you come and volunteer with the SoupMan & his fabulous SoupTeam at the Hyatt Regency this December 24--25th as together we make 'Room at the Inn' for 500 homeless men and women and give them the most MERRY CHRISTMAS of their lives.

And guess what? As you give these 500 homeless men and women a MERRY CHRISTMAS you will experience the most MERRY CHRISTMAS of your own life. When you see the tears in their eyes and the smiles on their faces, your heart will be touched in ways it has never been before. Click on this link for more details -

May the Lord Bless & Keep You All.

Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan

Friday, October 7, 2011


Dear SoupFriends,

Greetings from the SoupMan!

Every month I write a Blog on issues relating to the SoupMobile, Homelessness and helping the less fortunate in our community. This month I'm going to break out of that mold and write about something totally different.

On October 18th I will be celebrating my 3rd Wedding Anniversary with my amazing wife Shana. It's been three terrific, fantastic, glorious, blissful, dazzling, marvelous, splendid, off the chain, wondrous and groovy years.

Some say I lucked out when Shana showed up on the SoupMobile's doorstep many years ago. Those who say that would be absolutely right. I lucked out big time. More accurately God blessed me big time! Shana is a bouncing ball of love and kindness. She wears her heart on her sleeve and loves both people and animals. She volunteers at the SoupMobile helping the homeless and is also active in animal rescues. I often joke that her passion for helping others makes me look like a slacker but I think it's absolutely true!

When Shana agreed to marry me and said 'I Do' I felt like the most blessed man on the planet. And with our 3rd Wedding Anniversary coming up, I still feel the same way.

So how does Shana feel about me? Hmm, well you will have to ask her yourself but I'm thinking I must be doing okay because she hasn't sent me back yet under the Free Look Provision in our marriage contract. Oh yeah, I've been on Triple Secret Probation right from the get go! However, for whatever reason she seems to love me. She even says she 'digs' me!

A more realistic view may come from a quote by Judith Viorst in Redbook Magazine in 1975. She said,

"INFATUATION is when she thinks he's as sexy as Robert Redford, as smart as Henry Kissinger, as noble as Ralph Nader, as funny as Woody Allen, and as athletic as Jimmy Connors.

LOVE is when she realizes that you are as sexy as Woody Allen, as smart as Jimmy Connors, as funny as Ralph Nader, as athletic as Henry Kissinger and nothing like Robert Redford---but she will still take you anyway!"

I'm not sure which side of the fence Shana falls on---INFATUATION or LOVE---but I'm not going to quibble. I'm pretty sure I come off Triple Secret Probation on this upcoming 3rd Anniversary. From then on it's all gravy as I graduate to Double Secret Probation!!!

I'm sure there is a better wife out there than Shana---JUST NOT ON THIS PLANET!!!

May the Lord Bless & Keep You All.

Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan