Greetings from the SoupMan!
Who's Number One! That's a question that seems to be asked all the time in our society. We are obsessed with who's the number one sports team; who's the richest man in the world; who's the top movie star; who's the best athlete; who makes the best widgets and many more Who's the....................
Recently at SoupMobile Headquarters this very question came up. The question was who's the most important person working at the SoupMobile. Here's how the question came up. We were writing a Public Relations piece involving myself and another staffer at the SoupMobile. The piece listed the other staffer first and me second in the introduction. That other staffer was my good friend Lon Ricker who is the Director of Development at the SoupMobile.
He said there had been a mistake in the piece and that my name should have been first in the introduction, not his and we needed to change it.

I asked him why he thought my name should be first and not his. He said that traditionally the most important person is always listed first in a public relations piece. He went on to say that he thought I was more important than him at the SoupMobile and hence my name should be first.
I have a couple of observations about Lon's comment. First, this shows you what a humble man he is. If the SoupMobile had to name a MVP---Most Valuable Player, Lon would be high up on the list. Not only is he our Director of Development, he is the Chairman of our yearly Golf Outing and is the Chairman of our yearly Celebrate Jesus Christmas event. He is what you would call a 'go to guy.' If you need something done, call Lon. Yet in spite of all his accomplishments at the SoupMobile, he thought I was more important and that I should be listed first.
I have to tell you that I think Lon was incorrect. I am not the most important person (Number One) at the SoupMobile. For the right answer to this question of Who's Number One, we need to turn to the Bible. In 1 Corinthians 12:25 & 26 it says 'that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.'
The SoupMobile is made up of many parts. Staffers, supporters, friends, donors, volunteers, and prayer warriors. Who's Number One out of that group? Again I refer you to the Bible. In 1 Corinthians 12:12 it says 'just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body...."
At the SoupMobile we are all 'one body.' We are joined together in our common mission of helping the ones Jesus called the 'least of these.' So is the SoupMan the most important person (Number One) at the SoupMobile? No, not by a long shot. Is it that humble guy Lon? He would definitely tell you it's not him. Perhaps it's Stanley--our dishwasher; or Thomas--our Head Chef; or maybe Angel--who mops our floors; or Charine--our Office Manager? In my eyes we are all equally important. Not one of us better than the other; not one of us more important and not one of us Number One!

Yet in our fast paced modern society we seem to be enamored with the question of Who's Number One? So okay, if I absolutely have to, I will pick the Number One player at the SoupMobile. Its one of our more humble people; a guy with a flair for out of the box thinking; a knack for getting things done; a selfless spirit and a willingness to give his very life for you. His name---Jesus! HE's the answer to the question---Who's Number One at the SoupMobile. HE's our star player. HE's our mountain mover. HE's our Number One.
As Executive Director of the SoupMobile I am one part of the body. No more important---no less important than anyone else here. I am blessed to be surrounded by an army of men and women who share my commitment and passion for 'Feeding and Sheltering' the homeless. So if you must---go ahead and call me the most important person at the SoupMobile. However, no matter how long or how loud you say it---you will be incorrect. The answer will always be the same: Our Number One is Jesus!
May the Lord Bless & Keep You All.
Signed, David Timothy, a.k.a. The SoupMan